Net Promoter Score
We know that good service, quality of the product and skillful marketing are all important keywords for holding your clients. In order to keep your regular customers and attract new ones, you should add one important keyword to the previously mentioned list – asking your customer feedback. Conventional satisfaction surveys are often time-consuming and therefore, we offer you a quick, easy and inexpensive solution – Net Promoter Score.
Net Promoter Score is based on one simple question:
„Would you recommend our company to your friend or someone you know?“
Also, we ask for your clients to give a reason for their choice. Recommending the company to a friend gives your client a certain responsibility. But If your client is not satisfied with your company, then he doesn´t recommend it. Dissatisfied customers are actually the most valuable source of information through which you can develop your business. In either way, the most important for a company is to know WHY?
- WHY your company is recommended?
- WHY your company is not recommended?
To sum up, using Net Promoter Score allows us to know whether and why the customers of a company recommend it and what are the reasons for such attitudes.
Press here - for the example of the Net Promoter Score webpage.
Page design (logo, colours used in the page) and the text can be drawn up according to your wishes. We approach each company personally and take into consideration all the customer's wishes and needs.